Meet Monica


My space for testing things.

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While Monica Owen can’t guarantee any specific results and the following testimonial does not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using her services for any particular issue or problem, this client reports having a positive experience.

“I am so blessed to have been introduced to Monica & tapping.  I was very skeptical and nervous at first but was very impressed and appreciated her gentle technique and how she made me feel comfortable right away.  She helped me reduce the impact of many negative emotions and I was able to find some emotional connections between my stress and the discomfort in my body.  After tapping with her, I find myself feeling more calm and relaxed in my body on a daily basis.    I wish I would have contacted her sooner – the fear of the unknown held me back.  It feels good to have more mental clarity.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart Monica!”  Kimberly W.


“Monica has been amazing at helping me handle work related stress and anxious thoughts around flying.  She has taught me EFT techniques that have been beneficial in situations involving high stress.  I highly recommend her for anyone interested in trying or learning more about EFT!”  Bri R.